Welcome to the 2020 season, let's all hope for good weather and good bowling. The green opens on the 20th April 2020.
The lists for the first few games of the year will be available for members to put their names down when they go to pay their fees. The Club Captain this year is Clive Warbrick, the Ladies Vice-Captain is Joan Gardiner and the Men's Vice-Captain is Steve Summers.
Do support your Captains by putting your names down for as many games as you are able. Please remember names must be on the list for games by Sunday night as selection takes place on Monday. Please do remember to tick off your name to indicate you can play as this makes the Captain's job a lot easier, thanks.
I would just like to remind all members that this season the club has agreed that a £2.00 match fee will be payable on friendly fixtures and the W.S.L. and Sapphire matches to help the club's finances. The match fee applies to home and away.
Collection of fees
The treasurer Jimmy Twells will be in the clubhouse to collect fees on:
Thursday 19th March 2020 between 6.00pm and 8.00pm and
Sunday 22nd March 2020 between 10.00am and 12.00 noon
The fee for this year is £110.00 and for social members £5.00. Jimmy will also collect fees for any competitions entered.
100 Club
Joan Gardiner will be taking entries and monies for the 100 Club at the same time as fees are collected. Entry is £20.00 for the season and this is an excellent fund raiser for the club with monthly drawn prizes of £100, £25 and £10.
Working Party
There is a working party to clean and prepare the clubhouse for the new season on Monday 20th April at 10.00am. Please do help. There is a volunteer sheet at the fee collection.
Pre-season Party
The pre-season party is to be held on Friday 17th April 2020 at the club house commencing at 7.00pm.
Club competitions
Please remember that for any club competitions you enter you must be available to play on finals day on Sunday 6th September 2020.
Would competitors and markers please note that for all rounds apart from the Finals, club or white tops should be worn with grey trousers/skirts. Casual clothing should only be worn in roll-ups and jeans are not permitted on the green at any time. Please avoid arranging to play cub competitions on Wednesday evenings when there are some friendly matches.
Roll Ups
These are organised on Tuesday evening club night. They start soon after the opening of the season. It is best to arrive at the club by 5.45 pm so that teams can be sorted out as quickly as possible for a 6pm start.
The first club roll up for this year will be held on Tuesday 21st April at the earlier time of 5.30pm.
Invitation Days
Our open invitation day this year is being held on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May 2020 and the Ladies Invitation Day on Sunday 19th July 2020 both invitation days start at 10.00am. Any help on the day would be appreciated with meals, behind the bar and raffle ticket selling.
Teas and Bar
Please keep tea costs to no more than £1.25 per head and pass any receipts to the treasurer. The teas and Bar rota will be put up on the notice board and if you are unable to fulfil any date, please arrange your own replacement.